Monday 27 June 2011

let's grow old together..

Another day 
Without your smile 
Another day just passes by 
But now I know 
How much it means 
For you to stay 
Right here with me 

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger 
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer 

I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna die lying in your arms 
I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna be looking in your eyes 
I wanna be there for you 
Sharing everything you do 
I wanna grow old with you 

A thousand miles between us now 
It causes me to wonder how 
Our love tonight remains so strong 
It makes our risk right all along 

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger 
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer 

I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna die lying in your arms 
I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna be looking in your eyes 
I wanna be there for you 
Sharing everything you do 
I wanna grow old with you 

Things can come and go I know but 
Baby I believe 
Something's burning strong between us 
Makes it clear to me 

I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna die lying in your arms 
I wanna grow old with you 
I wanna be looking in your eyes 
I wanna be there for you 
Sharing everything you do 
I wanna grow old with you

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Love is like the wind,you can't see it but you can feel it

It's another sunny day in KL. Hope it's the same in the UK. I dreamt of you last night. You are sitting right here beside me telling me just how much you miss me. Yeah, me too. Missing you every seconds. 

Ah Boon sounds quite shocked with all our events. Truly, perhaps we have kept things too long within ourselves and people couldn't get to digest things as fast when they were informed all at once. My friends were commenting the same. They wandered how could we get to proceed things so fast as we were and are not in the same place most of the time. Well, I think we couldn't have make it better without fate. 

Loving u...

Sunday 13 February 2011







Dear,你妈妈在傍晚的时候有打电话给我。说她看到有一个Organicshop有Cookery Course,可以的话,我和她俩去学一学。我当然是没问题啦。

以小时来计算的话,想你的次数肯定会比心跳的次数多。Love you !! X

Saturday 5 February 2011




Monday 24 January 2011

Never will I regret

Dear my dear....sorry for started complaining since early morning. Feel relief with my sis's situation. May mum and Buddha continue to bless her.

Dear,hopefully u could understand that it's not my intention to say things in that way but I just can't help to not share my feeling with u in LIVE(since I can see ur face now). Your dear will try her very best to search for a calm in heart. I will. Just give me some time. Another half day or what...then I wouldn't want to talk too much about it anymore in coming three days. I wanna cherish every min  I have with my dear now. Honestly, they do make me feel that I'm so lucky.

Dear, if got a chance, I'll still come. See what else will they say. I know, I must not let myself falling into their trap. If I feared away, means that I agree with what they said is  right and doing sthg wrong which I don't think so. I'm not regret with my decision in coming here. I'm not someone who simply make a harsh decision in the beginning without calculating the risks and reasons. These 3 months is the most precious time I spent in life. I treasure it because I know, I'm not alone. I have my dear who care and love me so much so much..much more than myself.

Dear, my EQ is not very high.I can easily get angry and got frustrated with what people said. Give me sometime to digest and think things over. I believe, I'll get a better solution to fight back.As long as my sis, u and my friends are there to support me. Also, nothing is more important than my sis's health. Buddha bless. She'll recover soon.

Friday 21 January 2011

是快还是慢? 是长还是短?


他已经住进我心里了。我也不知觉地盖了间超大超豪的房子给他。原来,心里面的房子空了出来的时候是那么难受的。这样的情况,是不是标准型的热恋期?如果是的话,是不是就意识说,这样的心情,过了一段时间,这种感觉就会被时间给平伏? 我倒还真想看看能有多大的差别。一是,我现在真的想像不到,再说,要是这种热恋期持续太久的话,我怕我的心脏会负荷不了。好像每一次都担心房子会被突然而来的地震给震坏似的。




Thursday 20 January 2011



Wednesday 19 January 2011


看着我们的照片, 想了好多东西。Dear, 每个女孩子都喜欢被人赞美, 你的Dear也不例外。所以, 被人赞上一两句, 就会像小孩一样, 兴奋地跑到妈妈身边汇报。Dear, 我们还有好长的路要走。我很开心, 在我的路上有你陪伴, 可以在第一分钟跟你分享我的喜怒哀乐。I promise you, I'll be there, no matter your heart is filled with laughter or sorrow, I'm always there.When I lost my way, please give me the strength to carry on and for sure, I'll do the same for you. Nothing, nothing could separate us,nothing could beat us down. Dear, trust me, we can make things through and you are the Best for me.

Monday 17 January 2011

Although we are apart, it's only in body, NEVER in heart


There are many thoughts and fantasies 
Wandering in my head. 
While I dream about you, 
And when I am asleep in my bed, 
I wish many things. 
I wish with no fear 
That right here beside me 
You would be here. 

I wish you could tell me 
In person every day 
Just how much you love me. 
And never would we say 
To go our separate ways. 
It would just break my heart 
To have to know 
That we were apart. 

A dream can go 
Where a wish cannot. 
A dream can bring true 
What a wish never thought. 
When I dream about you 
You are holding my hand. 
My feelings for you; 
These I had never planned. 

Gazing at the stars 
On a dark, cold night, 
We utter sweet words 
Under the pale moonlight. 
If you were here beside me, 
I could look at you. 
It would all come together; 
That you are my dream come true. 

I am smiling as I realize 
That although we are apart, 
It is only in body; 
Never in heart. 
I hate not having you here, 
But I know that some day, 
Fate will bring us together 
And never push you away. 

If I could only see your face, 
If I could only feel your touch, 
Id tell you how much I love you. 
Is that asking for too much? 
Ive been thinking about you all day. 
I do that often it seems. 
But I just cant help it 
When youre in all of my dreams. 

Meeting you was fate, 
It was a choice becoming your friend. 
This relationship between us 
I hope will never end. 
But when it comes to falling in love, 
That was beyond my control. 
There is no way to stop these feelings I have 
Deep inside my soul. 

At night I close my eyes, 
And in my dreams all I see is you. 
I want you to be near me, 
but you're so far away. 
I hope you feel me in your heart, 
as you travel your path today. 

Sunday 16 January 2011


有时候真的发觉我们俩很搞笑。不知道是英国和日本的关系暗藏玄机,还是我们把它们弄得 “剪不断,理还乱”?



Saturday 15 January 2011



12月28日,老天不做美。从早上就开始下着毛毛细雨。把握时间的旅人们还是冒着寒风细雨来到了著名的奥塞美术馆(Musee d'Orsay)。听说巴黎的著名景点,尤其是像这类博物馆和美术馆,无论是假日还是工作日,都是人山人海。我们撑着雨伞,排了大概两个小时,才踏进了大厅。放眼四方都是一幅幅价值连城的艺术作品。片刻间,感觉自己好渺小。从拿破仑一世时代到印象派主义兴起的艺术古画及雕像很多都被收藏在这个美术馆里。走马看花的欣赏也得花上几个小时。当中对Renoir,Van Gogh , Manet, Courbet, Ingres和Jean-Leon Gerome的作品印象比较深刻。
这是夏特尔大教堂(Cathedrale Notre-dame)。这座用了一百多年来建造的大教堂,不管是里是外,都展现了它非凡的一面。


28日晚上,最后一站是巴黎市的地标之一的凯旋门(Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile)

Champs-Élysées (香榭丽大街)




2011/1/15 的夜晚11时09分



Dear...goodnight.T_T xx